Wednesday, September 22, 2010




Campaign Finance Reports Show Corbin Backed By Car Lot Investor

In July of 2009, the citizens of Spring Lake fought against a used car lot being placed in front of their neighborhood. They took their pleas to the Shreveport City Council, where District D Councilman Bryan Wooley stood up for them- denying the zoning request that would have allowed the used car lot to be built.

Residents may have thought that the fight against the used car lot was over, but it has recently been discovered that Michael Corbin, who is seeking to replace Councilman Wooley, is being funded by the very person behind this car lot. Through a combination of corporations and family members, property owner James Ballangee has bankrolled nearly half of Corbin’s campaign for City Council.

Corbin’s opponent, Republican Deanna Candler, had the following to say about this revelation:

“The people of District D and especially those who live in Spring Lake Subdivision, deserve to know who is paying for Michael Corbin’s campaign. When a politician owes their election to special interests, the people that they are supposed to be serving are the ones that suffer.”

Copies of Michael Corbin’s Campaign Finance Reports can be found at the Louisiana Ethics Administration's Website. Ballangee’s connections to the various LLCs can be checked through the Louisiana Secretary of State’s Website.

If you would like more information or to schedule an interview with Deanna Candler, please call 318.564.4452 or email us at

More News!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Shreveport Regional Airport

There has been much talk lately about how to reduce ticket prices at Shreveport Regional Airport. I was asked about this yesterday at my interview with the Shreveport Times Editorial Board. My solutions was two-fold:

1) attract more people to Shreveport by creating new attractions and bringing more businesses to the city. If we have more people flying to and from here, it will reduce the price per ticket.

2) Recruit discount carriers such as Southwest to the area. When there is a discount carrier, major carriers adjust their price to stay competitive.

Today the Wall Street Journal published an article about the impact of discount carriers an various markets throughout the country. This article reinforces my advocacy of bringing in a discount carrier. Here's the link:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rail Road-ed

Last week the City Council voted to uphold their original decision to close some Rail Road crossings in Shreveport in order to facilitate a new crossing in the Shreve Park area. Much has already been said about this, but I thought I should add my two cents to the conversation.

I believe that the Council made the wrong choice for the right reasons. I say this because I firmly believe that the closings never should have occurred without a public hearing, and much better means of communicating to those who would be affected. The Council has got to be more open to the citizens who voted them in, they need to implement policy dictating the needed levels of communication for all major decisions.

One thing that I think would help is actual websites for the City Council members, so that citizens can be kept up to date on things going on in their district and the city as a whole. It could list upcoming public hearings, have a place to sign up for email alerts, show detailed maps of the districts, have the agendas for the meetings, contact information, maybe even polls and a blog for council members. Right now all you get is a picture, some contact information, and a vague map of the districts. We need to take advantage of all the technology available to us.

The decision was made for the right reason though, and I understood why they voted the way they did. If Shreveport is going to be seen as business friendly, we must keep our word. If we are known as promise breakers, no company will trust us when we try to convince them to bring their operations to Shreveport. We cannot be seen as going back on our word when companies such as Coca Cola have invested millions of dollars based on our promise, and especially not when we had already signed a contract with Union Pacific.

On a brighter note, the Council took a big step in the right direction by unanimously passing an ordinance requiring better notification of future crossing closing so that the people know what is going on and have a fair chance to argue their side before the Council.

The way this was all handled is unfortunate, and I truly felt for the people who spoke against the closings- but in all honesty it was way too late to change anything. I am very sad that this has caused so many people to be hurt, and to lose faith in their elected officials, I can only hope that we all learned a valuable lesson and will not repeat our mistakes.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Important Election Dates

September 1st: Last Day to Register to Vote for Primary

September 18th-25th: Early Voting for Primary

October 2nd: Regular Voting for Primary

Deanna in the News!

Here are some links to sites, blogs, articles, and videos that mention the campaign!

Qualifiying is Over!


The qualifying period for the upcoming elections is over, and I am proud to be officially on the ballot for Shreveport City Council District D.

These next few months are going to be very exciting, but also a lot of hard work. As the campaign season really heats up, I am going to need help more than ever, and there are so many simple things you can do to help.

First, keep me in your prayers. God has opened many doors for me over the past few years, and I feel that this election is His will for my life, but I will still need protection, blessings, and encouragement.

Secondly, tell your friends and family in the district to vote for me. You would be amazed how much a little recommendation to a few people can help. Send them to my website, for more information.

If you live in District, volunteer to pass out materials in your neighborhood, it will help tremendously for there to be a friendly face asking for support for a candidate. You can also host a fundraiser or Meet & Greet at your home, to help me get to know the people of the district even better.

And last, but not least, if you have the available resources, a donation to my campaign will help me in this election more than I can express. My opponents are very well funded and while I believe it is more important to meet people, than to put up billboards, elections can be won or lost based on the availability of funding for the campaign. If you can write a check, then please do.

Thank you again for all of your support, I feel honored and blessed to have friends such as you, and again ask you to keep me in your prayers. Shreveport is on the verge of greatness, and I look forward to working with each of you to make her the place she deserves to be.


Deanna Candler