Friday, July 16, 2010

Qualifiying is Over!


The qualifying period for the upcoming elections is over, and I am proud to be officially on the ballot for Shreveport City Council District D.

These next few months are going to be very exciting, but also a lot of hard work. As the campaign season really heats up, I am going to need help more than ever, and there are so many simple things you can do to help.

First, keep me in your prayers. God has opened many doors for me over the past few years, and I feel that this election is His will for my life, but I will still need protection, blessings, and encouragement.

Secondly, tell your friends and family in the district to vote for me. You would be amazed how much a little recommendation to a few people can help. Send them to my website, for more information.

If you live in District, volunteer to pass out materials in your neighborhood, it will help tremendously for there to be a friendly face asking for support for a candidate. You can also host a fundraiser or Meet & Greet at your home, to help me get to know the people of the district even better.

And last, but not least, if you have the available resources, a donation to my campaign will help me in this election more than I can express. My opponents are very well funded and while I believe it is more important to meet people, than to put up billboards, elections can be won or lost based on the availability of funding for the campaign. If you can write a check, then please do.

Thank you again for all of your support, I feel honored and blessed to have friends such as you, and again ask you to keep me in your prayers. Shreveport is on the verge of greatness, and I look forward to working with each of you to make her the place she deserves to be.


Deanna Candler

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